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Water Curtain Nozzle

Water Curtain Nozzle

GW Water Curtain nozzles are typically installed as part of a deluge system to provide a water spray barrier for protection of structures or persons from heat radiation - e.g. escape routes. The water spray will both reflect and absorb the heat radiation thus reducing the resultant level of heat reaching the protected surface/area.


pdf Water Curtain Fire Protection Nozzle

Water Curtain Fire Protection Nozzle

The GW Water Curtain nozzle is developed to provide a flat fan spray when water is distributed in a 240° X 15° “circular” fan from the machined orifice slot located perpendicular to the nozzle axis.

The GW Water Curtain nozzle is designed for horizontal installation. It is typically installed as part of a deluge system to protect a surface or area from heat radiation. With the orifice slot pointing upwards or downwards, the nozzle is installed between the protected surface and the heat source. The water spray will both reflect and absorb the heat radiation thus reducing the resultant level of heat reaching the protected surface.

pdf GW Fyrhed - Water Curtain 360

GW Fyrhed  - Water Curtain 360

The "Fyrhed Water Curtain 360" nozzle provides a 360° circular, wide, hollow cone spray pattern. It is developed for heavy duty applications, such as structural protection from heat radiation generated by flare/burner operation on oil rigs.

pdf GW AS-5414 Bush Fire - Roof Periphery Nozzle

Tagged in amber, AS5414, Bush Fire Water Spray Systems, bushfire, ember, fire protection, nature fire, private home fire protection, Roof nozzle, spark, wildfire

GW AS-5414 Bush Fire - Roof Periphery Nozzle

Climate change is expected to cause more extreme weather conditions globally including more frequent and wide spread wild fires (bush fires) that can be hazardous to property in the areas affected. Australian Standard:  "AS 5414 - Bushfire Water Spray Systems" has addressed this issue, and specified protective and preventitive meassures to best possible protect life, property and land. 

The GW AS-5414 nozzle is developed to meet the specified requirements regarding nozzle construction and performance (water application) for protection of property (houses / buildings) against heat radiation and air borne ember and sparks.